13 Apr 2016

VoIP for Business: Five Reasons why You Can’t Do Without

Suddenly everybody seems to talk about throwing away the old school telephony systems and installing VoIP for better reasons, especially the businesses. If you have been wondering what’s the buzz is all about, this article can answer why VoIP is becoming increasingly popular, or more so wiping out the traditional PSTNs steadily, and fast!

VoIP for businesses: The Future of Communication
One of the most important factors that facilitate a business towards its growth is the telecommunication platform of the business. A good communication system plays a pivotal role in driving business growth by ensuring an organized platform where the employees can interact with the other employees or the customers. Business VoIP has completely changed the landscape of how communication was perceived even until a few years ago. Using VoIP, businesses are leveraging the already existing resources, bringing down the cost considerably, improving customer satisfaction and increasing employee engagement and productivity with a number of unique and additional features. So, have the PSTNs become a matter of the past? Sure it is! Here’s the list why:

1. You need more than just voice!
Businesses this days are not about mere office work anymore. They operate in a multitude of ways and communication does not simply happen just over the phone. As contrary to the traditional telephones which was about communication of voices, VoIP serves the multiple needs of the dynamic businesses of today – transmitting files, videos, images, audio and video conferences apart from voice communications.

2. Smooth, fast & uninterrupted access as you can’t pause your business operations for silly reasons
The VoIP technology is all about communication through IP network. This means, instead of investing on hard phones and setting up a costly infrastructure that is not half as effective in case of a minor network failure, telecommunication is now smooth, fast and flawless. The most important part is businesses can leverage their existing resource – the running broadband connection for setting up VoIP.

3. Economic solution. Adds up to your profitability
Apart from the fact that there is no capital investment in hardware and hard phones involved, VoIP has brought all employees and customers from different locations on the same communication platform with audio and video conferencing. This in turn have brought down the costs incurred in frequent business trips as well. Business owners can also have face to face conversations with the clients without having to fly to distant locations to earn more businesses.

4. More options to streamline your communication data
Unlike conventional telephony systems, business owners can ‘host’ or ‘own’ the VoIP solutions. With a hosted solution, all the communication data is hosted, monitored and managed at a third party server (VoIP service providers) wherein in an owned (on-premise) solution, businesses have complete control over their communication and data storage. Both the solutions are effective depending on the nature of business. If you want to focus more on the core business, it is a wise move to opt for a secured hosted solution. However, if you want to have full control over your business, you can own the infrastructure and set up a customized VoIP network.

5. Push all boundaries. With VoIP you can do more than what you think
Communication through VoIP enables you to do more - call recording, call monitoring, call transfer, conference, hold, voice mail and faxes automatically forwarded to your inbox and what not! No matter what size your business is, VoIP can open doors of possibilities with unlimited scopes.


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